As a building designed by the first registered African-American architect in Washington, D.C., one that was financed, built, and owned by the black community as a testament to their abilities mere decades after the abolition of slavery, and subsequently owned by benevolent organizations and prominent blacks including John Whitelaw Lewis, the True Reformer building is indeed an outstanding historical document in itself.
By 1902, the property holdings of
the Grand Fountain of the United Order of True Reformers were increased to
include a contract for the construction of the True Reformer building in
Washington, D.C., at “a cost of forty-five thousand nine hundred and fifty
dollars. The design of the building is
the work of a Negro architect, J.A. Lankford, and is a monument to Negro genius
and an ocular demonstration of the results of combination, concentration, and
co-operation” (Burrell, p. 293). The
organization owned a retail store in Washington
that opened in 1902, and had earlier owned a small lot at the corner of Vermont, I, and 12th Street, N.W.

Lankford’s designs for the building
feature classical revival and Romanesque architectural features in a subtle
composition that is considered stately.
It clearly conveys a sense of monumentality for the black community for
which it was built, at the time Washington
itself was being revitalized as a result of the McMillan Commission
Independent builders S.H. Bolling
and A.J. Everett joined together to form Bolling and Everett of Lynchburg,
Virginia for the construction of the True Reformer building. They later combined once again in 1907 for
the Negro Exposition Building
(designed by William Sidney Pittman) at the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition
in Norfolk, Virginia.
At the dedication Ceremony on 15
July 1903, Dr. W. L. Taylor of Richmond, Virginia, the National Grand Worthy
Master of the Grand Fountain of the United Order of True Reformers, offered a
brief history of the events leading up to the Washington DC building, and the
creative financing he had initiated to make it possible:
was not willing to put any kind of a building in Washington.
This was the capitol of the nation.
The critics from all over the country center in Washington.
The Negro is the bone of contention, and there are many who say he is
indolent and only fit for a ‘hewer of wood and a drawer of water.’ Therefore, I made up my mind, in keeping with
Mr. Browne’s request, God being my helper, to put up a building in Washington that would
reflect credit upon the Negro Race.
In the meantime the Board voted forty thousand
dollars to put up a building in St.
Louis. It was
impossible to put up a building that would reflect the proper credit upon this
Negro national Organization for that money.
We found a building on the corner of Pine street and Jefferson avenue which, at a small cost,
could be made to suit our purposes. The
lowest price set on the building was thirty-five thousand dollars, and the
lowest figures anticipated by the owners was thirty thousand dollars, but we
succeeded in buying it for twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Take twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars
from forty thousand dollars; we had seventeen thousand five hundred dollars of
the money voted for St. Louis
to invest in property elsewhere.

We went from that point to Cincinnati, Oh., and
selected a site that had been sold twelve months before for twelve thousand
dollars on Sixth street,
with a double car line running by the door.
The agent told us that he thought we could get it for nine thousand
dollars. I said ‘If you want to sell the
place at proper figures, I will buy it.’
He became very anxious for me to make an offer, and I made an offer of
seven thousand dollars cash. The owner
came over and signed the paper. I asked
for the deed, which I gave to a guarantee company to examine the title. I sent Lawyer Robertson to put it on
record. Thus, you see I got a building
in St. Louis, Mo., Louisville,
Ky., Cincinnati, Oh., and still had some of the
money left.
we came to Washington. We found that the seating capacity of a
possible building at Washington,
on the old site, would not exceed three hundred and fifty persons. The agent offered us five thousand dollars
for the lot. We had paid ten thousand
dollars for it, so we could not take that.
He said it was all that he could give, but he had a lot on U street that he
would sell for eight thousand five hundred dollars. I said ‘I will not do that.’ But finally, we came to an agreement and made
an even exchange of the lots.
we went to work to put up this building.
We called for bids, and the lowest was fifty-five thousand dollars. We threw them all out and called for other
bids. This time we succeeded in getting
a Negro contractor in Lynchburg,
Va., to bid. We wanted this building to put up as a credit
to the Negro Race. So we found a Negro
architect in the person of J.A. Lankford.
He drew up the plans. Then we
found the Negro builders at Lynchburg,
Messrs. Bolling & Everett. We said to the contractors, ‘If you cannot
get security in the Guarantee Company, give us a good bond elsewhere and we
will accept it.’ They found a Negro, Mr.
A. Humbles, who came to their rescue and gave us a certified check for twenty
thousand dollars, to hold until the building was completed. So we completed the job without a hitch. The building was completed and turned over to
us July 1st.” (Burrell, p. 319-322).
shines the light of True Reformerism through the darkness; how it burns its
fire upon the alter of Race development; how does it satisfy and help those who
are struggling upward through the gloom of a most unreasonable and unwarranted
prejudice.” (Burrell, p. 322).
Several writings and discussion of
the time reflect the attitudes of the black race during this age of electricity
and industrial revolution, when most could still remember the injustices of
slavery. Washington at the turn of the century had
one of the largest black communities that resulted in sizable achievements and
opportunities not available elsewhere to minorities. At the opening dedication ceremony, Dr.
Taylor replied, in an optimistic statement:
starry flag has become a fixed constellation o’er the Asiatic seas, but better
than all, we have learned to love our native land. Gone, we trust, are the days of strife,
bitterness and doubt within the enclosure of this Organization, and welcome the
days of peace, of confidence and of lasting brotherhood. We come to you in the early dawn of the
twentieth century-a century of wonderful development, a century of great
achievement in both private and public affairs, an age in which science and
invention reign supreme, an electrical age.
Old Empires have passed away, and nations with them gone. Kings and czars have been born, have ruled,
and have been forgotten. Boundaries of
nations have been changed, thrones have fallen and old dynasties have been
destroyed, yet man remains and asserts his power.” (Burrell, p. 232).
Speaking at the National Negro
Business League convention in 1906, architect Lankford offered what
contributions blacks had made to the physical development of Washington, and what role the True Reformer
building played:
the past three years, I have designed for Washington and fifteen states of the Union, nearly six million dollars worth of
buildings. I have designed, overhauled,
and built in Washington
and vicinity over seven hundred thousand dollars worth of property during the
same time. I had the pleasant pleasure
of designing and supervising the construction of the one hundred thousand
dollar office, lodge, and store room building for the True Reformers...and
being in Washington,
it stands out to the civilized world as a sample or example of what the Negro
can do and has done with his brain, skill, and money. The building was designed, built, paid for in
cash, is occupied and controlled by Negroes.
It has done more to give new life to the Negro architects and builders
and lift the standard of work of this kind and character in Washington and in fact, throughout the
country than any other one thing we know of.” (Landmark Application, as cited
from Etheridge, Harrison, p. 12-13).
Upon completion, the building was
used by a host of community organization, musical groups, and societies for
events and celebrations. A well
established local music school known as the Washington Conservancy was
established in the True Reformer Hall in 1903 by Oberlin trained pianist
Harriet Marshall Gibbs. In 1904, it
moved its headquarters to 902 T
Street (still standing) and had long associations
with Ellington.
“In 1913 the Magnolia Dancing Class
met Wednesday and Saturday nights in the hall, with music supplied by Carroll’s
Columbia Orchestra and the Yale Orchestra, admission fifteen cents” (Tucker,
pg. 50).
Following the bankruptcy declaration
of the United Order of True Reformers sometime in the early 1910s, the building
was eventually sold at auction and deed transferred on 2 May 1914 to John
Whitelaw Lewis, President and founder of the Industrial Savings Bank at 11th
and U Streets, N.W. Through a series of
transactions over the next few years, Lewis deeded the property on 4 January
1915 to the Laborers and Mechanics Realty Company, which he was a trustee.
Through a series of transactions,
the property was deeded from John Whitelaw Lewis and the Laborers and Mechanics
Realty Company to the Trustees of the Knights of Pythias of North America,
South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, Jurisdiction of the
District of Columbia. In January of
1917, they renamed the building Pythian Hall.
It was also affectionately known as the Pythian Temple (Washington Bee,
27 January, 1917), but to this day retains its first name designation, the True Reformer
Building. They continued to offer spaces in the
building for a myriad of community groups, musicians, and organization to meet,
host receptions, and special events.
In 1916, a social group called ‘The
Happy Four L.M. Club’ sponsored entertainment in Room 5 of the hall,
advertising ‘Good Music’ for a charge of fifteen cents (Tucker, pg. 50). The Hall was advertised as the “best equipped
public hall owned by colored people in the country,” (Tucker, advertisement unknown). An elegant and very formal affair took place
on February 23, 1917
at the hall entitled the “Masque L’Allegro Frolik” that included “serpentine
waltzes, confetti showers, characteristiques, etc., danced to the strains of
divine music under the direction of the unexcelled Louis M. Brown.” It was staged in the main auditorium and
featured an orchestra of ten to twelve players.
At the same event, a solo dancer interpreted ‘Poor Butterfly,’ and the
Orphean Quartette sang Ethelbert Nevin’s ‘The Rosary” (Tucker, pg. 50).
In 1916, Ellington filled in for Doc
Perry at the Stenographers weekly afternoon meetings (Wednesdays from 4 to 8 p.m.) which featured matinee dances at the True
Reformer’s Hall (Washington Bee, 19
February 1916). And on 25 November of
1916, an advertisement in the Washington Bee newspaper features a musical
notice for the “Happy Four LM Club” at the True Reformers Hall.
While attending Dunbar High School
from 1914 to 1918, Washingtonian Roy Ellis belonged to a social club called
“The Rockaways,” comprised of a half dozen friends who promoted parties and
dances. Ellis remembers Ellington
bringing along only a drummer or a banjo player when the club would hire him
for events in the hall. In 1917,
Ellington was not yet well enough established to offer musicians regular work,
so he drew from a pool of friends as work permitted. Some of these men included three Miller
brothers; Bill (guitar), Felix (saxophone), and ‘Devil’ or ‘Brother’ (drums),
William Escoffery (guitar), and Lloyd Stewart (drums). Later, Otto Hardwick (bass fiddle), and
Arthur Whetsol (trumpet or cornet) joined the bands that Ellington had coined
“The Duke’s Serenades,” a name he would continue to use after leaving Washington in the 1920.
For at least the years 1917 and
1918, the basement was rented to the First Separate Battalion as an armory and
drill room, a black branch of the District of Columbia National Guard until the new armory was built after WWI. The segregated black troops who drilled in
the basement armory volunteered to go to the Arizona boarder in 1916 during the
Mexican-American crises, and to Europe in 1917
for World War One participation.
(Conversation with Col. West Hamilton, 10 January 1978, Washington,
D.C., as part of the HABS/HAER Collection #DC 234, Library of Congress).
Frelinghuysen University,
a Washington D.C. school for the self advancement of
working class African-Americans, held classes in homes and businesses located
throughout the city before purchasing 1800
Vermont Avenue, N.W., in 1921 (A house the author once owned and renovated). They also held classes in the True Reformer
Building, as evident in
an advertisement placed in the November
15, 1919 edition of the Washington Bee:
The sessions of the college
of liberal Arts, the
Academy, the Commercial
College and the School of Theology...will be held at Lincoln Temple, Eleventh and R Streets,
northwest, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 7 to 9:30 p.m.,
until further notice.
The sessions of the John M.
Langston School
of Law will be held at the offices of Prof. Zeph P. Moore, Pythian Building,
Twelfth and U Streets, northwest, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening,
at 7 o'clock...
The school of Pharmacy and the School of useful Arts will be held
at the apartment of Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Jackson, Cameron Apartment House, Vermont
Avenue at T Street, northwest, every evening...
The School of Fine Arts, Department of Photography, will be held
at the studio of Daniel Freeman, 1833 Fourteenth Street, northwest, everyday.
The College
of Embalming and Sanitary
Sciences will be held at the establishment of
Dr. Robert G. McGuire, 935
Florida Avenue.
Enter Now.
It is interesting to note that
architect John A. Lankford indicated the he had received two Law degrees from Frelinghuysen University, and actually attended
classes within the very building he had designed 20 years previously. From the University’s Decennial Catalogue, he
is listed in the John
M. Langston
School of Law classes for
the years 1917, 1918, and 1919, and for the year 1921, he was listed as a post
graduate for LL.M. with the Indiana
and D.C. Bars.
The 1918 City Directory lists Banks
and Burnell, drugs, Armory, DC National Guard, and True Reformer Hall as
occupants of 1200 U Street.
The True Reformer building was
deeded to the National Savings Bank and Trust Co., following the default of a
trust, on 1 May 1934. It was eventually sold to the Boys Club of
the Metropolitan Police of the District
of Columbia on 4 January 1938.
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dedicated the new use of the building
before a crowd estimated at well more than
2,000, and within a month of the opening, the club’s membership stood at
1,600. Two months later, it swelled to
over 4,100, and was thus the largest of the city’s four clubs.
Boy’s Club of the Metropolitan Police had been established in 1934 to combat
juvenile delinquency and provide supervised activities for segregated Washington’s black
children at the time. It first leased
the True Reformer Building
in 1937, and had John Lankford supervise the extensive interior renovation
necessary for the building’s new use.
The $17,000 project provided a gymnasium, locker room, library, music
room, and game room.
Following tradition, the building
was witnessing a continuation of uses by various organizations and societies in
the community. In 1951, a fashion show
at the Turner Arena was presented by the XI Omega of Alpha Kappa Alpha entitled
“Fashion Novelty.” A brochure for the
event featured an advertisement for “Chapman Tailoring and Designing School,
at 1200 YOU Street, No. 4978, Philip Chapman, director.” (Historical Society Washington, DC
Collection, U Street
vertical file)
In 1957, the District Commissioners
banned Police participation in fundraising after court cases and demonstrations
challenged the Boy’s Club policy of racial segregation in its branches and
summer camps around Washington. As a result, the Boy’s club in the True
Reformer building closed following difficulty in fundraising without the Police
Department leadership. On 19 November 1959, the Boys
Club of the Metropolitan Police sold the building to Gary H. Lebbin, et ux, et
al who shortly thereafter opened the first distribution center for Duran Paints
in the District.
In 1947, the ground floor display
windows and front entrance were altered along the U Street facade to meet fire code. The columnar and arched entry portico was
modified, and encapsulated in a cast stone facade.

abandoned building was photographed by the author (above) about 1992, when it was for
sale and was eventually renovated by the Public Welfare Foundation after
several attempts by former owners. Duran
Paints was the ground floor tenant for decades, while the upper floors and auditorium
were vacant. In 1993, Metro ridership
for the U Street/Cardozo station averaged just 2,800 passengers per day! The station opened on May 11, 1991. G. Byron
Peck's mural to Duke Ellington on the side of the building that used to
overlook the U Street Metro station was completed in 1997.[1]
Copyright Paul K. Williams
William Patrick. Twenty Five Years
History of the Grand Fountain of the United Order of True Reformers, 1881-1905. Westport,
Connecticut, Negro University
Press, reprinted. (Library of Congress Call No. HV5827.U553B84)
Catelogue of Frelinghuysen
University. Anna J. Cooper Papers, Moorland- Springarn Research
Center, Howard University,
c. 1939.
Harrison. The Black Architects of Washington, D.C.,
1900-Present. Dissertation,
Catholic University, 1979. Washington,
DC: Catholic University,
Harrison. True Reformer
Historic American Buildings Survey Documentation,
HABS No. DC-362. Washington, DC:
Historic American Buildings Survey,
1979. Prints and Photographic
Division, Library of Congress.
Landmark Application, Washington
D.C. Architectural Review Board,
dated 3 March, 1987.
Mark. Ellington. The Early Years. Urbana
and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Files on Metropolitan Police Boys Clubs, Washingtoniana Division, Martin Luther King Memorial Library.
[1] By APK
PRAISE JEEBUS - I created this work entirely by myself., CC BY-SA 3.0,