The owner of the vacant lots where 1422 to 1430 Swann Street were to
be constructed, George E. Emmons, applied for and was granted an Application
for Permit to Build numbered 812 for their construction on November 20,
1883. At the time, the Street was known
as Pierce Place, a name designation that would not change until 1910 when other
streets were also renamed to conform to the city’s alpha-numeric street naming
system. 1430 Swann Street appears above.
The headline of the article that
appeared in the February 2, 1932 edition of the Washington Post, seen at right, no doubt attracted attention to the
morning readers of the paper. It
documents a renter of 1430 Swann Street beginning about 1932 who was allegedly
‘a full blood’ Native American named Swift Eagle, who was apparently able to
live up to his name.
Swift Eagle
was better known in local amusement and vaudeville theaters as the drum-beating
and chanting sidekick to a wrestler called Chief Thunderbird from British
Columbia. Eagle’s actual life, however,
might have been far less dramatic, although it did include time spent in the DC
Swift Eagle, his wife and son would
rent 1430 Swann Street from 1932 to 1935.
He claimed to be either a half or full blooded Indian from New Mexico,
but records show that he had actually been born in California.

Olsen demanded a rematch, and Joe
Turner, sensing another sellout crowd, happily obliged. The earlier match had been described in a
Washington Post article on November 7, 1937, announcing the rematch to take
place several days later. It no doubt
led to an interest in the upcoming match by reading: “Through the match Olsen
was annoyed by Swift eagle’s tom tom.
The little Redskin released a barrage of beats every time the Chief was
in danger, and this victory cry inspired Thunderbird to greater heights.”[1]
Olsen filed a protest with Turner
to prevent Swift eagle from accompanying his rival on or near the ring, but
Turner’s showmanship and sense of promotion said that he could not keep
Thunderbird’s “second stooge” from doing what he does best. A full picture and article announcing the
event appeared in the November 11, 1937 edition of the Washington Post, seen above.
It stated that “Swift eagle will take up his place in Thunderbird’s
corner and hammer away on his antiquated tom-tom. Whatever it is necessary during the course of
the match he will go to town, so to speak, on the tom-tom and release Indian
chants tantamount to a war whoop-de-doo.”
Thunderbird (left) was born in 1896 in British Columbia, Canada as Jean
Baptiste Paul. He was the subject of a
brief biographical article written by Greg Oliver of Slam!Sports wrestling magazine and website which reads in part:[2]
“From his debut in 1933, until his retirement from wrestling in 1955,
Saanich, B.C.’s Chief Thunderbird was the first big name native wrestler from
Canada…He was born Jean Baptiste Paul in 1896, the hereditary chief of the
Tsartlip Indians at Brentwood on Vancouver Island, son to Tommy Paul and
grandson to Ben Paul, both who were noted chiefs with the tribe.
“My people wanted to make a medicine man out of me,” Thunderbird
recalled in a 1965 interview with the Victoria Daily Colonist newspaper. “They kept putting me in cold water as
part of the ritual. Finally, I ran away from home to attend a mission school at
Kuper Island, near Duncan. I wanted to be an athlete more than anything else.”

He took part in an international water competition in 1933 in
Coupeville, Washington, winning many events against other native warriors.
During the festival, he got his first taste of pro wrestling, with a touring
athletic carnival show. According to The
Ring magazine from October 1936, “The Chief didn't pin the ‘carnival
champion’ but he amassed the large sum of five dollars for the five minutes
that he had spent in the ring before being pinned… Virgil Hamlin, a promoter in
the Pacific Northwest, was instrumental in encouraging Thunderbird to take up
pro wrestling…In 1937 in Walla Walla, Washington, he faced the great Ed
“Strangler” Lewis in a outdoor bout at the ballpark. Thunderbird lost.
…Entering the ring in full native regalia, including a feather
head-dress and drums pounding, Chief Thunderbird was a noted attraction across
North America, but even more so in England, which he toured in 1951-52 and
1954-55. “The Red Indian warrior has made a terrific reputation for himself in
this country in the wrestling ring, and due to his broadcasts over the B.B.C.
is probably the best known Indian Chief ever to visit Great Britain,” reads a
March 1951 program promoting Thunderbird vs Pat O'Reilly. “Everywhere he has
appeared there has been ‘house full’ signs displayed long before starting time,
and there is no doubt he is a fine wrestler.”
…From his west coast home, he made many trips to Australia, New Zealand
and Hawaii, with his first trip to Australia being in 1939. He also toured
India in 1955…He retired from wrestling in 1955 when he broke a leg in two
places; he had told people that he wanted to wrestle until he was 60 years
old…He died November 23, 1966 in St. Joseph's Hospital, in Saanich, British

Swift Eagle seems to not have had such an impressive sideshow resume as his sometime boss, Chief Thunderbird. Two years before he moved into 1430 Swann Street, NW, Swift Eagle had been enumerated in the 1930 census with his wife and child close by in a rented house at 1328 Q Street, NW.[4] That document revels that he had been born about 1897 in California, also the birthplace of both of his parents, and not in New Mexico as he claimed on stage. He paid $23.50 in monthly rent, and was listed as a “negro,” casting some doubt about his claim of even being a Native American.[5] His job as a garage mechanic seems to have literally paid the rent rather than his muse as a wrestling sidekick. His wife Frankie had been born in California about 1908, and they had married about 1926. Their son James had been born in 1928.
Earlier, in
January of 1928, Eagle been sentenced to 90 days in jail and fined $500 or an
additional 90 days by Judge Mattingly of the DC Police Court for the illegal
possession and transportation of liquor.
He had been caught in a car near 14th and G Streets, NW that
had been stopped for a minor traffic violation by Police Officer William E.
Atkinson that contained 108 quarts of liquor during the height of prohibition! [6] The DC Sheppard
Act had introduced prohibition of intoxicating liquors in the city
effective on November 1, 1917, a full two years before a national
prohibition. Both were repealed in 1933.
While Chief
Thunderbird would go on making headlines and travel the world for the next
several decades, the last newspaper mention of Swift Eagle appeared in August
of 1940, and was aptly titled “Roughing it in New York.” It reported Eagle heading up a “camp” of
twelve country deprived boys atop a New York City apartment building, “with
tents, a miniature lake with six carp, and Swift Eagle, an Indian from New
Mexico.”[7] Police had stopped their previous practice of
camping on the city streets and roasting potatoes and hot dogs on the street
The 1935
City Directory lists a woman named Rose Wright as a resident of 1430 Swann
Street that year, who neglected to provide an occupation, documenting that Swift Eagle no longer resided there.
Copyright Paul K. Williams
“Thunderbird Will Wrestle Olsen Again,” Washington Post, November 7, 1937, p.
Pictures courtesy of the Saanich Municipal Archives, Victoria, British
Columbia. The full article can be found at
“Thunderbird, Russian Meet,” Washington Post,
March 1, 1938, p. X19.
The house was torn down in 1942 and replaced by the current apartment building
on the site, built by the Washington Housing Company.
Census enumerators did have a category for “Indians” by 1930, but the
enumerator may have guessed at Eagle’s racial background, despite the name he
supplied to the census taker.
“Indian Sent to Jail On Liquor Charge,” Washington
Post, January 28, 1928, p. 20.
“Roughing it in New York,” Washington
Post, August 3, 1940, p. 6.
I'm the great grandson of Swift Eagle
I'm am Swift Eagle Great grandson.
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