The winter months from 1893 to
1894 were full of terror for all Washington residents.
Why, you ask?
Because the Washington area had our own version of the London’s famous “Jack
the Slasher.” The tormentor was
nicknamed Jack, and the mere mention of his name terrified children and adults
alike. And we all would have been too:
there was an average of 15 slashings a month!
“Every householder before
retiring [to bed] locked or bolted every door in the house and put a chair
under the doorknob as well…no burglar as daring as this one could remain
unapprehended for long” wrote the Sunday Evening Star. His victims included residents from Fort Myer
Virginia to Washington, DC and to Takoma Park, Maryland.

Richard Sylvester’s 1894 history
of the police department included a poem that illustrates the state of panic
that all Washingtonians were in that winter, and that Jack the Slasher did all
sorts of additional unsavory things to his victims:
The bedstead’s on the mantel
The clock is on the floor,
The cooking-stove is on the
The bolt’s slid in the door.
The cat’s in the lasses jug,
The dogs’s tail in a loop,
The milk’s in sister’s slipper,
The household’s in the soup.
“Police! Police!” the father
“Come save the bathroom
Too late, too late, it’s cut in
By doughty Jack the Slasher.
He fitted on my undershirt,
He smoked my cigarettes,
He used my well-worn
He gave notes for my
He rang the doorbell loud and
He turned on all the gas,
He sat down on the doorstep,
He saw the Police pass.
“Police! Police!” the father
“Come catch the naughty dasher;
I cannot stand the impudence,
Of horrid Jack the Slasher.
Jack went into the neighbor
He heard an awful snore,
He didn’t stop at anything,
He even slammed the door.
The tired sleeper lay
His features drawn and pale,
The coat nearby was closely
With knife-slits down the tail.
The sleeper, in his peaceful
Heard no distressful call,
And cared less how prolonged
& sad,
Was his neighbors’s mighty
Smiles were Jack’s while others
As he hastily withdrew.
So soundly the M.P. slept,
Not even said “Adieu.”
Taylor was caught by a milkman
Charles Wise, who had glimpsed him through Judge Hunt’s venetian blinds. “He
did not attempt to get away, but remained there until the arrival of the
officers. He did not seem to realize
that he was being arrested when officers Easley and Law took hold of him…a big
sigh of relief went up all over town, and everybody breathed more easily” the
Evening Star reported.
His fifteen slashings per month
had come to an end. He was sentenced to
30 years in the Federal Penitentiary in Albany, NY.
Oh, by the way, he didn’t slash
people. He spent months breaking into
homes to slash their drapes, evening dresses, sofas, upholstered chairs, and
Taylor obviously didn’t like
the fabric of society!
Copyright Paul K. Williams